Saturday, August 21, 2010

What's wrong with being unhappy? Why should we even pretend to be happy for the sake of being an "nicer person to be with" or not "runing the mood"?

They won't change for you, and never change for them. Go alone if you have to, don't lose yourself to gain acceptance. Go alone if your emotions make them uncomfortable, for their sake and for yours.

Find the ones who can accept you, your emotions. If you never do, search harder or blame yourself for being unlucky, but never blame yourself for being different from the rest. Die knowing you were true to yourself, live hoping for somebody to understand and accept you.

I posted them on facebook because I've been wanting to say this since forever. I hate this world as it is. Everything's fake.

I have other things to say, but things to do as well. Sigh.

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